Message: Mezzo P/R

Mezzo P/R

posted on Jul 10, 2007 04:35AM
This may have already been posted 25 Jun 2007: World’s first PRE-BOOKABLE in-flight entertainment available online from MEZZO ... MEZZO, the Rolls-Royce plc backed Portable IFE Specialist, announced the successful introduction of online pre-booking for its RETAIL IFE services now operating on UK partner airlines and Flyglobespan. The two launch websites are the first step on what MEZZO considers to be one of its critical development paths – online consumer presence. Passengers can now pre-book the latest MEZZO in-flight entertainment at either or The sites are managed exclusively by MEZZO and are co-branded to reinforce the close collaboration between the airline partners and the MEZZO brand. Online orders have already surpassed internal launch expectations, spurring the company to accelerate new routes and further investment in the sites’ capability. Introducing online ordering has huge benefits to passengers, the airline and MEZZO. “With virtually everyone booking flights on the internet, providing the ability for our customers to pre-book MEZZO online was always essential. Our web presence is just another way MEZZO can get closer to customers and further develop our insight into what makes a great IFE service. With the foresight of advanced orders, we can also start to adapt the number of players per sector and hence improve asset utilisation rates and reduce unnecessary weight, thus making our own small but important contribution towards reducing our airline partners’ carbon footprints,” comments Executive Director Martin Cunnison. Note to editors: 1. MEZZO is a Rolls-Royce plc backed Portable IFE Specialist offering bespoke, fully managed Portable IFE solutions. 2. MEZZO offers the most comprehensive of range of services including Full Ground Handling, Dependable Hardware, First-Class Content and Customer Insight Expertise. 3. MEZZO provide fully managed Retail IFE solutions for any airline wishing to explore the revenue generating potential of Portable IFE. Clients include, Flyglobespan. 4. MEZZO also provide bespoke Premium IFE solutions for any airline wishing to provide a superior quality of IFE to its most valued passengers without compromising on internal fiscal objectives. Clients include award-winning Silverjet. 5. MEZZO services are deployed as a substitute for costly investment in fixed systems or as a passenger enhancement or “service recovery” alongside existing main-screen IFE/AVOD systems and have abundant applications throughout many travel and leisure environments.
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