Message: I gave all youse gyzs a shot at a question or two that

I gave all youse gyzs a shot at a question or two that

posted on Aug 03, 2007 10:13PM

I could ask RP but had no takers......So I sat and compiled a list for myself. It took about an hour to make up the list and RP answered every question.

I spent about 50 minutes with him, one on one. For those of you wondering about Duane Morris,.....DON'T.......OKIE you can rest easy tonite....When asked if DM was still in the picture due to lack of news about that subject, the answer was, as close to verbatum as I can get, "Not only are they still in the picture but they/we have expanded the entire infringement involvement FAR BEYOND WHAT IT STARTED OUT AS". "It has grown immensely".

RP stated news WILL be released THIS QUARTER about DM and IP infringers and will be POSITIVE. There will NO PR'S released about any lawsuits on any of the infringers as the stated goal is to "license" EDig's IP from the efforts of the lawsuit. Rubbing the nose of the offending company in public releases is not going to happen but the news on those actions will be available the same way as those intrepid souls were able to find and pull up the legalities on Wencor, so LL keep your feelers out.

There will be no license "payments". to EDig. All lawsuits, if won, will include a one time payment from the offender and EDig will issue a license, to use forever. That's it...

Had much more about a lot of things. Ask me questions, I will attempt to answer. I am not doing what I did last time and got roundly pissed on for my efforts.

I did briefly say Hello to Will and FF when they left a meeting. I was buoyed by the positive attitude from everyone there. RP is so upbeat and gave me many facts not 'expects" that I am not at all concerned, JUST ME, about this company making it. RP talked of at least two companies who, if successfully sued, will pay EDig in the HIGH TEN FIGURES. And he really meant it. He talked as if money was "in the bank" He explained why this might/probably will occur, "the settlement is less than one percent of the companies yearly sales. That's a pretty big company...

 How about a little teaser, "American Airlines is back in play" Mainly due the battery life IMS gets from its product. EDig gets 14 hours with IMS getting far less. I asked what kind of a battery EDig was using to get amount of time and was told it was not a specially made battery but one readily available. 

Now get this, EDig's MOS has been so improved that to operate the eVu it requires and draws so little energy from the battery that it able to run the eVu that long....All this time my "techie" little grey cells thought they had come up with a new battery.....Not so, just an amazing product that can be run and managed with the MOS so as to draw almost no power at all....


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