Message: RE: Back-logs, etc...jhawk, OZ...

Re: RE: Back-logs, etc...jhawk, OZ...

posted on Aug 15, 2007 01:29PM

I was told the "financial" partner is something akin to a "credit company" (my inference) This financial partner is NOT an entity that EDig can go to, hat in hand, outstretched palm, saying "fill me up with funds".

Instead this "partner" was and still is according to my last conversation with RP, on board with EDig but has not been used yet. I believe my conversation with RP about this subject, which I dutifily reported on months ago, was in context of hospitals, etc....

This partner is to used when EDig get an order from a business who cannot pay the entire cost upon delivery but needs "credit" for the lack of a better word. At the point of that understanding, EDig turns this ordering company over to the "financial partner" who then runs credit checks...etc...and accepts the company to do business with, or of course rejects the company..

At that point EDig gets monies up front, either from a down payment by the company or from whatever arrangement made with the financial partner, to manufacture the product (eVu). When the product is shipped and accepted by the company that company starts making payments to the "financial partner".

The financial partner then, or has already, pays EDig "in full".

As RP puts it, "it's a win-win situation" for both the "financial partner and EDig" They both make money.

The reason this "financia partner" has not appeared in the picture as yet, is, as I have stated, it is has not been used. According to RP "all the IFE transactions have been "cash" No credit needed....

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