Message: LG Patent Case

In your post you say...

"Thanks for the sellers today, I continue to accumulate."

You are welcome. I am Glad I could have been of assistance to you!?...Lol...Lol...

For a guru you have a very shallow understanding of the dynamics of the Markets and how the MMs make their comfortable living by "shaking the trees" as is often stated here...

It is obvious that you have difficulty following threads that are posted here by some very hard working posters, and you see your function as a "Guru" sitting back and "Monday morning quarter backing" others' contributions to discussion by making some truncated, conclusionary, baseless statements to "feel good" that you have said something worthwhile...

The 9th Circuit decision reversed a Summary Judgement Decision by the lower Court which allowed the LG suit to proceed. The issue involved has been dissussed in posts by LL and the aricle I posted couple of days ago. I suggest you reread all those articles before pontificating here...

The fact that the Supreme Court has granted review in this case alone denotes the case to be of extreme importance in the Patent Litigation field, and any changes in the Circuit Court decision by the Supreme Court will impact the entire Patent Litigation filed, including what DM is doing for EDIG... 

Finally, I strongly suggest you cease reading my posts. I wouldn't want you to bet the "Milk Money" on penny stocks because you read anything on this board...Lol...Lol...





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