Message: on and off topic. this is a great post:

on and off topic. this is a great post:

posted on Sep 26, 2007 09:40PM

ptsc had an interesting day.  mega bashing going on now.  exciting.  thought i'd share this response. 

(beginning of someone else's post)

what matters is the story - and it is real. not your typical scam pump press release variety all to common on BB stocks.

the story is feuding families at 2000 that saw the stock go from 4 and change to 10 cents - all on specualtion that Sun was moving into the shboom processor fold. Then when it became clear the only value was in the patents as they had no cash, they started arguing about whose patent it was and who owned what.

Then Pohl comes along several years later and gets these estates of Pshishes and Faulkers to get their heads on straight and get aligned with TPL to go after infringers. FINALLY. This company starts writing CASH business.

Heavyweights buy in - on advice of their legal departments. Intel, AMD, et al. And not because it was "nuisance" litigation. At that time, PTSC had ZERO cash. If Intel really thought it was a bogus claim of the troll variety, their lawyers would have go on with litigation and broken the back of PTSC in legal fees. They signed because it was prudent and valid.

The case goes in the Eastern District - where lawyers know juries are hard-working railroad people who aren't afraifd to write down big numbers. And that 78% of the time, juries find in favor of the plaintiff. Two of the orginal named defendants opt out and settle.

One added in (ARM) is out on Agreement it will be kept on the table for possibly a later date as defined in the Markman, viz., chip instructions. The two remaining items, which are the biggest money-makers, lower power consumtion processors and faster speeds, remain in play. And they tie in nicely to all the miniture electronic items the remaining defendants make in addition to other goods.

So I wait. And I,like my chances BIGTIME. Regardless of what dolts on here bash about. 

(end of other guy's post)

 My last post was made shortly after pr re battery life.  bold is patent i thought i had come across.

putnams correspondences that settlements are expected this year keeps me firmly planted.  i suspect we will have buying opps at lower prices pre settlements (pre pop) don't want to be caught empty handed though.


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