Message: Re: Digecor/Wencor losing customers...mmmmmm.....

Oct 06, 2007 06:56PM
Oct 11, 2007 09:23AM

"Once you throw the millions,  the pressure is on to keep shuffling."

IMO....the big arena to watch,  will be to what level Intel/Micron( IM Flash Technologies) take it to Samsung/Toshiba and the masters of the NAND single voltage arrangements to get the best performance.

Micron bought Lexar, which is/was a leader in NAND flash implementations(similar but not the same type  arrangement to what e.Digital is capable of)

Prior to the above....Jury Awards Lexar Over $380 Million For Toshiba's Theft of Trade Secrets

 "Lexar believes that the Markman hearing ruling affirms its assertion that Toshiba infringes substantial elements of our patented technology. During the hearing, the Court interpreted fourteen terms in six Lexar patents, including U.S. Patent Nos. 5,479,638 entitled "Flash Memory Mass Storage Architecture Incorporation Wear Leveling Technique"; 6,145,051 entitled "Moving Sectors Within Block of Information in a Flash Memory Mass Storage Architecture"; 6,397,314 "Increasing The Memory Performance Of Flash Memory Devices By Writing Sectors Simultaneously To Multiple Flash Memory Device"; 6,202,138 "Increasing The Memory Performance Of Flash Memory Devices By Writing Sectors Simultaneously To Multiple Flash"; 6,262,918 "Space Management For Managing High Capacity Nonvolatile Memory"; and 6,040,997 "Flash Memory Leveling Architecture Having No External Latch."


"Toshiba believes that the verdict rendered by the jury was in error, and we plan to pursue all available legal avenues to correct it. Toshiba invented NAND flash memory technologies and has been a pioneer throughout its development. At this time, Toshiba does not plan to revise projections for fiscal 2004 business performance due to this matter."

 They just lacked some of the IP noted above.

Court orders new trial for Toshiba, Lexar


The roots of this case run nasty and deep. Toshiba invested in and secured a seat on the Lexar board in 1996 only to take the technology and use it for its own gain, according to Lexar.

Lexar claims Toshiba began talks with Lexar rival SanDisk after accessing Lexar technical information. Toshiba later resigned its seat on the board and announced its relationship with SanDisk. Lexar sued Toshiba in 2002.

Micron, Toshiba Settle Lexar Suits....for a total of $288 million


 IMO....what e.Digital has, is superior to what Micron/Lexar have with regard to the patents listed.


Oct 11, 2007 10:46AM
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