Message: Re: SHENANIGANS!!!!

Oct 17, 2007 07:41AM
Oct 17, 2007 09:48AM
Oct 17, 2007 12:11PM

nobody knows when including the mm's they trade and trade and like anyone who trades a stock like this you don't want to be caught without it.  it became painfully obvious they want to walk the price down today. 

i'm guessing vivitar would want a settlement but dm may be insistant on going to trial.  a settlement does not validate the patents.  unless vivitar wanted to make an offer dm couldn't refuse, they are likely to have to defend themselves whether they  want to or not.  which means this is likely to take awhile.  which means the price is likely to go where they want it.  it all doesn't matter until a verdict or nice settlement and then we move up and on.  when it gets cheap we can't resist.

nice to see coverage and strong buy rating on ptsc today.  validating the ip small cap as a valid method, monetization of intellectual property that is.

Jan 26, 2021 04:53AM
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