Message: "an industry-leading 20+ hours of continuous video playback from a single batter

Re: "an industry-leading 20+ hours of continuous video playback from a single batter

posted on Oct 23, 2007 05:06AM

Other revenue areas or not...power consumption is related to 445.

With regard to the tweaking, I see nothing that they could tweak other than the size of the caching mechanism, which is explained and detailed in 445. Perhaps they have come up with an idea to eliminate the normally associated method of cache sizing the read /write blocks of NAND.

We shall see at some point. Their methods of speed are only hindered by the speed of a devices ability, in this case, NAND flash attributes. Or perhaps they are simply utilizing NOR flash for the video/audio, not needing to cache because of it's speed. They do have the ability to configure both on a device.

If, in the case of a specialized short cut with regard to NAND....DB will never get an answer from Bill B.


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