Message: e.Digital on Pace for Record Fiscal Year Revenues (legible format)

Re: Doni , Haven't you figured him out yet ? Lawyer Long

posted on Dec 21, 2007 10:26AM


Great misdirection. You're a smart guy, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Facts in of themselves are neither positive or negative but merely facts. It's not what you say, but how you say it that gives the meaning that you're  trying to convey.

I stand by my question. What is the difference between someone (Daboss in this case) posting his position repeatedly which tends to be positive in nature and you posting your position repeatedly which tends to be negative in nature as well as confrontational? What makes you so different from him?

Jefother posts the way you used to. Now you post the way that Jimmee11 did at the end and the way that Don did when he started his confrontational bend. You frame your point of view in such a way that it comes across as know it...everyone else knows it why play games?

I appreciate the facts that you bring to the table, I miss the mature manner in which you used to bring them. This is irritating to me personally as well as others obviously as has been brought to your attention. Nobody does anything without there being something in it for them...what are you getting out of this?



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