Message: Hey Daboss......
Dec 27, 2007 07:49AM

Dec 27, 2007 07:52AM

Dec 27, 2007 08:55AM

Dec 27, 2007 09:08AM
Dec 27, 2007 09:37AM
Dec 27, 2007 10:00AM

thanks for sharing this Dean, and certainly for putting together "ALL" the great press releases so far in '07'. Also, all you others that are putting out factual info and take the time to do so, much appreciated! I know Maxjet was a concern here on the board. I myself though, have a lot of buying happening over the next week as the " story," just doesn't get much better, but for a speculative penny stock....... this story is a MAJOR WINNER!!! meaning I am telling everybody and anyone that has money to place a bet on this little jewel and I'm ready to BET ANYONE HERE, OR ELSEWHERE LARGE MONEY, that EDIG shares will rise and surpass most penny stocks in '08.' Judging by the price movement after x-mas I can see most here are scared to make this type of committment and were probably reluctant to share EDIG with family members and friends over the holiday(s)? Well, I've been here before and scared, but didn't jump off of my soap box, and now I'm putting my money where my mouth is (AGAIN!), and going out on a limb. Folks, I believe EDIG will be a lot higher by at least, 4 X's the closing price of today (.125 to .50 ), or......... I'm not the 'Guru' anymore? Who has the balls to stand with me??? And, who dare speak out against me??? I'm ready!!! Still, mguru (SAVE THIS POST FOR FUTURE REFERENCE and to have a "Chuckle" with me at the end of '08' at all the armchair quaterbacks, rookies, and definitely, the naysayers! Wishing us ALL, the most PROSPEROUS, and HAPPIEST NEW YEAR YET!!!) DISCLAIMER: I'm "only" interested in others opinions/comments that might see what I currently see, and not anyone elses......I don't care! (unless your Warren Buffet, if he knew he'd be buying?). So, don't expect me to respond to the, "Peanut Gallery."

Will you "Dare" speak out???

Dec 27, 2007 04:03PM
Dec 27, 2007 04:07PM
Dec 27, 2007 05:59PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:01PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:02PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:02PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:02PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:24PM

Dec 27, 2007 06:36PM
Dec 27, 2007 07:39PM
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