Message: Re: Technologies on the rise in 2008
Dec 31, 2007 12:25PM
Jan 01, 2008 01:16PM
Jan 01, 2008 04:29PM
Jan 01, 2008 05:12PM
Jan 01, 2008 05:59PM

Jan 02, 2008 03:24AM

 " Flash memory has been gradually increasing in power. For example, electronics giant Samsung recently showed off chips that could be used to make 128GB memory cards."

 Chips,  that I recently commented on....utilizing dual cashing(SRAM) directly from the Flash. With that, there's no commentary of Semiconductor Insights  of there being DRAM involved. Normally for cashing,  there would be a mix of both.

The norm would be data/applications from HDD.. shadowed to DRAM....then paged through  L1 or L2 cache.... to processor.

 If Samsung is in fact eliminating normally associated DRAM and emulating the flash/cache as DRAM....they are on our door step of patent 5787445.

"Whilst the storage is small, its use of flash highlights another trend of 2008."

IMO.. The trend is the elimination of DRAM, and we sit on patents allowing for that.

Static RAM and flash the new wave. This can be happening in two ways...the way e.Digital patented....or increasing the density of SRAM. Sram is expensive to increase, it would not make sense to do so....this is way DRAM was combined with it.

So it's  either a  case of added footprint muscle to SRAM or using a dual scheme with small footprint like e.Digital. 

Samsung has developed a process for the latter....and got awards for it.





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