Message: EDIG UPDATE, WOW!!!!
I can understand point of view. It was in this same type of scenario (kinda of errie now, but in a good way) in 1998 the stock was .06- .10 and talk of a deal with large tech companies was swirling (coming from R.P.?) After time went on most gave up and made fun of EDIG/R.Putnam/me, and others. The same kind of distain on RB was circulating similar (not as bad) to what we see here now. I couldn't get a word in edge wise with all the trashing going on about EDIG. Then, the announcement of a deal with Intel happened, followed by others LU, IBM, and so forth, the rest is history.  I believe we're here again, and hence, my posting here a lot more by far than usual, but similar to my activity back then. mguru
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