Message: The 10Q

Re: The 10Q

in response to by
posted on Feb 14, 2008 07:18AM

there is a saying that its best to not get into an argument that is not your own, its like pullinmg on the ears of a dog, you get bit whether you hang on or let go.  As for lawyer, I'm well aware that he can speak for himself, but heres my take.  Most of what has been coming down on this site is the promise of the litigation and yet thats all that it is, a promise.  What is most important is the business that EDIG is doing and how its growth in that business should interest us.  Daboss is right when he points out what the company has done . Yet nothing has been stated about what and how the litigation is going and it has been almost a year since it started.

 My thing has always been to keep focused on the business at hand not the promise that can go nowhere for years. 

Was is certainly appreciated is the technical stuff that has been stated but that will not have an effect on what EDIG is doing day by day .   On other words, though some words have been negative so to those words that are optomistic based on the litigation just sunshine that appears where no man goes.  JMHO

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