Message: RE: ``Two more weeks and counting......?``

RE: ``Two more weeks and counting......?``

posted on Mar 14, 2005 11:09AM
Well, Boyer said three airlines to be announced WITHIN a few weeks. I would be very surprized if APS/Wencor (likely followed by EDIG) announced all three airlines in only one PR. IMO they will announce separately so as to get the most bang out of each deal, and there is another consideration, which is that when a PR is put out specifically identifying a customer/new business partner, that PR will likely show up on the stock news list of the customer company. If your airline just signed a deal for a new IFE, would you want a PR to show up on your stock news list identifying your airline AND one or two others to be acquiring this new (hopefully differentiating) system at the same time?

These are probably separate deals which will consumate at separate times (though I suppose it`s possible that all three airlines are under one affiliate, e.g., Alaska and Horizon, or KLM and its affiliates, or Lufthansa and its, etc.). So, considering that IMO there are probably at least two and more likely three PRs pending within a ``few`` weeks, multiple news bits could come any time over the next several weeks (since a ``few`` is rather ambiguous). I`m sure glad Boyer didn`t say a ``few`` airlines within the next ``few`` weeks! LOL

As for today, IMO it`s the customary ``shake`` before news to weed out the weak and build MM inventory. That philosophy is somewhat dependent on whether any MMs actually delve into the details of the stocks they handle, or just operate like machines with side agendas. If they read this board yesterday, after they stopped laughing, they may have figured it`s time for the ``shake``. Who knows?

Not me! Cuz I KNOW nuttin`!


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