Message: EDIG / PTSC

Re: EDIG / PTSC...paul...

posted on Mar 10, 2008 09:44PM

YOU are correct in saying;

"Would you care to name s\any company that you know of that has a patent contigency agreemen?"

For that, my friend, is the essence of of monetization value for this company.

To get a LAW FIRM that was instrumental in the existence of the MARKMAN case to put its reputation on the line, and stick its fincancial neck out by taking on EDIG's case on contingency basis, and front expenses which could easily reach in millions, speaks volumes for the validity of the company's claims...

DM deserves every penny that they make from this case, and believe me when I say they must see big gold nuggets at the end of this deal, otherwise they would not be invloved as they are...

With the latest filings their strategy is becoming clearer. Knowing full well that a MRAKMAN RULING in VIVITAR would be Stare decisis in other law suits against other defendants, they filed against VIVITAR first and once it became clearer how that case would pan out, they went after some of the biggees...

They must feel pretty good about developments regarding the VIVITAR MARKMAN RULING to let the bag out by the recent filings.



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