Message: digEcor

RICHARD, you say...

"However until the court rules on the entire lawsuit, and in the favor of edig, I still have a concern, no matter what statements are communicated."

What, specifically, boithers you about the, "entire Law Suit"

Here is the status of the law suit, as posted on the Net.

"Legal dispute

In March 2006, e.Digital announced that its contract manufacturer, Maycom, was either unwilling or unable to fulfill a purchase order e.Digital had placed to fulfill an order from its then only customer,digEcor.[30]

In May 2006, digEcor, filed a lawsuit against the company and certain officers regarding the non-delivery of its pre-paid purchase order placed with e.Digital in November, 2005 for 1,250 digEplayers and alleged violation by e.Digital of an April 2002 agreement[31][32] not to compete with digEcor for a period of 7 years it entered into with Bill Boyer Jr., original owner of digEcor (then named APS) and conceiver of the product and business model.[33]

digEcor sought, among other things, actual damages of $793,750, consequential damages of .not less than $1,000,000 and an injunction to prevent e.Digital from engaging in any competition with digEcor until after 2009. e.Digital eventually delivered the players to digEcor without batteries in October 2006 and the parties entered into a partial settlement agreement reducing the actual damages claim to $98,846. The remaining matters are unresolved as of December 2007."


As I read it the only issue left is the Non-Compete part with Boyer for 7 years from date of its signiture...

It  has nothing to do about "who owns EDIG TECH", and  in the worst case scenario, the 7 years is almost over.

My POINT TO YOU IS that the Wencor's law suit has no bearing on what DM is doing for EDIG, and all this general hyper ventilating about what is no more than a nuicense law suit is not supported in fact...

Go to the following site and read for yourself...




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