Message: digEcor

Re: digEcor - richardo

posted on Mar 17, 2008 06:02AM

Yous say:...

"I have always said EDIG has a strong case, but just like with the IP stuff you never know what will happen in a courtroom."...

That is myopic view of the legal system, which totally ignores the priciples of STARE DECISIS and legal symetry through citing and relying on precedence...

A good trial Lawyer like DM does not walk into a Court room engaged in guess work. He come prepared knowing he will win his case, if not in the trial Court then on Appeal, all the way up to the US Supreme Court...

A stupid contract case like the one Mr. Wencor is pursuing, and the way he is going at it, is no more than a NUISANCE CASE and in time will be trown out. And you can bet your last dollar that DM has already made all sorts of contingeny plans, (one of which was to have his MARKMAN HEARING scheduled ahead of the UTAH case), to provide for anything that comes out of UTAH case...

Now, I know you are intelligent, but sometimes I beleive you are contrarian just for the sake of being so...

Please tell me that is what you are doing in this case. For I can not accept that you really beleive in what you say that " never know what wil happen in a court room."!?...



The way you depict the Judical system you make it sound it is worse than a CRAP SHOOT...

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