Message: It would seem that Digecor doesn't like the taste of their own medicine.

as I said last night,

"It will be interesting to see if the Court allows e-Digital to proceed with its subpeonas while quashing Digecors similiar subpeonas on e-Digital's customers, on the basis that Digecor did not follow proper procedure and e-Digital is (I assume) following the Court's rules in issuing the subpeonas...."

Maybe this will be the first of the final nails in digEcor's coffin for their case.

digEcor did not follow procedure when they subpeonaed e-Digital's clients.

I assume that when e-Digital subpeonaed digEcor's clients, e-Digital's attorneys did not make the same mistake.

Since digEcor did not follow the Court's rules, their subpeonas should be thrown out while e-Digital's supeonas against digEcor are allowed to proceed.

If dig-Ecor can't understand Court rules, then how can they understand a simple NDA?

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