Message: LL, personal inquirery??

"through deliberate fiat currency printing etc."


Which is supposed to be backed on its ability to collect taxes...which it does. However, we all know how they manage the budget from year to year. Any thing that doesn't fit, run the press and cut a concession with some China-man to hold the paper. Dump those green backs into the system and dilute. IMO, this can happen for some time without the public taking notice, until, we have what we now have...."Why am I paying 3.50 a gallon for fuel?".....@#$%

Do that a few hundred times and your buck is worth nothing and the ability to collect taxes means ZIP. With that, FDIC means ZIP.

The only thing we're doing now is keeping the debtors happy with their requests and concessions.

We're being sold out by large US Corporations that do not give a hoot, because they have it set up now to operate from any where in the world. You can bet they'll have their ass covered.

I say the North American Union is on its way.


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