Message: LL, personal inquirery??

Re: Sunpoop / Daboss ....Bill...

posted on Apr 20, 2008 09:48PM

You guys can connect the dots all you want but unless they think this is going to be the biggest IP case in history I can't imagine a firm trying to bring additional talent on board if they think their own talent is strong already. And I can't imagine a lawyer wanting to come on board merely to participate in a speculative venture.

What follows addressess your query in this post. You say the following:...

"Perhaps someone can find evidence of a firm having done this in the past, bringing on a bunch of lawyers to participate in a contingent fee plaintiff litigation."

No funny stuff; Just adressing your querry head-on...

In real life law practice this is done all the time...

Lawyers share case load ALL THE TIME, and in various shapes and forms. Here are some examples...

(1) If you are a solo practitioner and get a BIG case and know you are talking about millions in damages, you know that the defendants will spend a lot of money before they give you $5-10 million. You would be a fool not to associate a BIG plaintiff law firm that has THE ability and expertese to fight the paperwork defendants will to try to bury you under, untill you have taken the case to the point that you convince defendants it will cost them much more than the $5-8...


(2) You are a successful lawyer in your field of law and have several lawyers working for you, with offices spread here and there. And you get some new accounts requiring additional "structure" to service the growth and the new accounts. Bigger firms approach you with their offeres of "meger"...

I HAVE BEEN THROUGH SOME OF THOSE ALSO...The singular discuusions in all such case is (1) "what's in it for me", and (2)"how will affect my life style", not necessarily limited to economic issues!...

(3) A big national stature law firm gets a "Huge New Account", with multiple, potentialy big and deepocket defendants that has fallen in their laps. The first thing they do is to have a partners meeting to assess the magnitude of the "NEW BUSINESS", and they consider the magnitude of the opposition and what is the best way to prepare for the addressing the expected litigation process. They ask, (A) CAN IT BE HANDLED BY THE EXISTING STAFF? (B) SHOULD WE RECRUITE MORE TALENT through merger with other PI firms, or (C) CAN WE ENTICE THE BEST OF THE BEST BRAINS IN THE FILED, and have them joing the law firm for a piece of the pie? And beleive me, if the Pie is big enough this is the best way to go, and you can entice any one when the potential recovery for your client is in the billions.I have had experience with Asbestosis where the potential recovery got be craetion of an FUND of $140 billion, with all the class action law suit filed throughout the country were consolidated by the Courts...

The uniqness of EDIG case is that it is not actions by many plaintiffs, like the ASBESTOSIS cases. It is ONE SINGLE PLAINTIFF, with a potential recovery of $billions... That is the best tool DM has to entice the best of the best in the filed, and then look at all the defense firm and say "BRING IT ON BABY". And DM appears to be having great success in doing just that...

I hope you will accept this and act accordingly for you sons sake...

There is absolutely no other logical explanation for 50 of the top IP lawyers leaving their postion while at thte top of their field and joing up with DM...



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