

posted on Mar 28, 2005 09:20PM
That Naked Short Selling is indeed become a strategy, that every corrupt trader/MM (maybe even normally good traders.), have piled on to and are taking advantage of until they get caught, because the record shows that regulators have either turned a blind eye, or have been hoodwinked over, and over again, by these criminals. Making it attractive to steal if there`s none, or little consequences!!! You decide?

DABOSS: You asked me about this ``Tony Elgindy.`` Below is just some of the happenings in this pathetic guys life. I also understand he has been arrested for beating his wife, cocaine possession, and even his own mother has sued him (All true, I`m almost certain?), a real sweetheart. Now, and this is for everyone interested in learning more about this issue that is surely going to be get hotter, and Hotter, and HOTTER!!! Naked Short Selling, and how it relates to EDIG. Tony Elgindy held a seminar to promote his ``Short Selling`` strategy. (It’s been a couple of years, but I believe there`s been ``NO`` rush to cover`s naked short position.) For his rich subscribers he shared with them his next victims target, first. I understand that a few shareholders even attended these seminars, and after Elgindy publicly recommended and admitted to his SUBSCRIBERS ``TO SHORT e.digial``, he even tried to talk several shareholders into lending him their shares, so he could start to COVER HIS SHORT position in One of the posters was a woman who was highly regarded as an authority and followed well on raging bull.

So EDIG investors, in lieu of this bubbling movement by many advocates for change on Wall Street to level the playing field and demand full disclosure from Hedge funds, clearing firms, MM`s and the infamous head of it all, the DTCC. I think it would be wise to take a lead role given that when this ``Dateline`` segment airs, there will be blood in the streets eventually, and with it a long line of co.s and investors that will want to be vindicated and justice to prevail. I don`t want to wait or take a chance given the history of this convicted felon and San Diego trader, knowing how much ammo he had/has used to fill his garages and Mansions with exotic cars and trinkets from the ill gotten gains of pick pocketing`s shareholders wallets and purses, among others. What`s even scarier people, is how he was so quite about shorting, even subtle, when he`s been so vocal about others, what`s he hiding? He was once on CNBC in an interview, and as they filmed him in his office, he cleverly showed his quote screen, and on it prominently guessed it, EDIG. There`s NO DOUBT, damage to share price/capital structure has occurred, and most likely by a gang of cheating thieves. I understand the lack of news, the last 4 years, and so forth, but one thing stands out like a diamond in the ruff with, is the amount of shareholders, I have never seen a Bulletin Board stock with tens of thousands of shareholders, very impressive and LOYAL! Given all of the facts, this stock could still be easily trading at dollars a share with this type of following, so what happened all the times that the trading seemed so odd? I`M THOROUGHLY CONVINCED, don`t need anymore evidence. The question NOW is, are he and his cronies, still short, and if so, are they still working on trying to kill slowly, as has to dilute our holdings, more and more, and more??? Be active folks, or you could be another victim, if you want to wait and see and doing nothing which is the norm for most, you would deserve everything you have coming to you. This is for real, folks and is coming to light, believe it, or not!

So, what we need to do is get Robert.P involved and active to protect the shareholders to make sure he and the co. are doing all they can to fend off these silent attackers (remember the Berlin stock exchange event in Feb?) and find out what the DTC report shows as having in the way of a share position for (good settlements.), then we need to somehow, get`s shareholders together and all the statement totals of shares, including people that are holding their own certs (very smart, and also needs to be done.) And then subtract the two significant numbers. This will tell if in fact there is a Naked Short position. Don`t you want to know? And I think I have a way to make sure the crooks will never short again. It`s called DVP (delivery vs. payment option.) This is usually an option for wealthy clients only, and simply means, when you buy EDIG or whatever stock, you say you want your stock certificates delivered at the same time you make payment, or forget it! I`m looking into this and will share info when I can. I don`t want to be alarmist, but certain RECENT events are leading to this story becoming front-page news for a long, long time. I want to be first in line, how bout you? Do you own your certs or does someone else??? Stay tuned. mguru

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