Message: At the risk of repeating myself for the umpteenth time...

If you have followed the trials and tribulations of BOW and his gang over the years you would know why I and some on this board who are knowledgeable of this man are quite angry at him and his tactics. He is a 65/70?? year old tyrant, still running his company with an iron fist, "Doing it his way and only his way" with no regard to any sound business practices, at least where EDig is concerned. He wants and has "complete control" over every aspect of his company including his employees. He does not have that control with EDig so he out to cause as much harm as he can, if not destroy EDig. Even his own employees, of which some are relatives, have wanted to work WITH EDig and decry the set back to their IFE business because of BOW's actions. If BOW had done what most far sighted businessmen would have done and partnered with EDig instead of demanding complete control over EDig and it's IP just think where they both would be in the IFE world two/three years later.

You are quite correct, I have no class where this fat blowhard is concerned....He is costing me money, and by the way, you also...

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