Message: Long Time no see

When a crook has been caught and he is convicted of the crime he goes to jail. What these 176 companies did is no less of a crime and that some have admitted to it reqires that more than a finacial punishment be given,

They knew that what they were doing was the crime of infringment. They stole a persons , in this case the investment of millions of dollars worth of intellectual property knowing that even if they were caught the penalty against then would be small in comparison to what wealth they would gain.

How then should penalties be assessed against these theives???

Take away their gain, their investment in those products that were using the stolen patents. My guess is that the courts are filled with patent litigation only because they feel that they can get away with it. Most criminal believe the same thing. Difgference is though the crininal gets Jail time to boot.

Jail time is what is warrented in this case also because of the amount of violations that were committed. If this is not handled in a very strong way these theives will continue to steal the properties of others with little or no penalties involved.

Take just my case and my investment. My total investment inEDIG was around 60 thousand dollars and today the value of what I bought is worth around 4 thousand. These theives litteraly stole from me 56 thousand dollars because the stole that which I have in vested in.

Its not that EDIG was a fluke or it had nothing. It had the patents to what these theives used without permission and these then made BILLIONS of dollars as a result.

I say go for the juglar, take everything they have made as a result of their theft. JMHO.

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