Message: Re: Interesting....Sun Jumps into Flash
Jun 03, 2008 03:27PM

"Every time a disk drive is accessed, it has to power up, spin to the data, access it and send it along," he says. "With flash, there's no waiting. The data is right there."

Depends, normally for HDD "access it and send it along," means shadow or page the data to large RAM resource.....normally for flash you have to do the same....unless you have IP that allows you to do different.

"Fowler says that Intel will supply chips for Sun's emerging hardware products, but wouldn't reveal other partners."

Are they needing a BIOS partner for the flash drives, especially one that can implement the attributes of other OS's? Or, are they going to implement status quo translation? One way, or another, seeing they are just now coming up to speed here, they'll need to license.

They say there's a power, so what? They're not managing their infrastructure on battery power, the savings would be very, very minimal.

Why they are stocking the fire in that manner is anyone's guess. Means nothing.

For battery powered flash devices, eliminating large RAM resource is what saves power. Where that is made possible because of discrete manipulation of data within the flash based on a new data structure format.

You need the whole package for it to work.

e.Digitals methods are patented.

IMO, their gold!!

Come on DM show us the gold!!!


Jun 04, 2008 08:00AM

Jun 04, 2008 08:28AM

Jun 04, 2008 11:35AM
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