Message: Re: As much as all the tree huggers out cry about "Mother Guya"

You are an intelligent person. I can't believe you would say what you did and believe it. If we do nothing to increase OUR supply of oil, yes OIL.... and wait for solar power or what ever green power you are talking about our country, you and I will be living hand to mouth because America will be a third world country.

Oil prices are on the march....UP.....tell me what you are going to pay for a loaf of bread, if there is a loaf to be had, when a gallon of gas is $10.00, $15.00. ALL and I repeat ALL economic activity in this country will fold like a cheap suit. That means EVERYTHING WILL BE AFFECTED.....right down to any savings you have anywhere.

This is a crying shame.....We have all the oil we need but cannot drill for it, build refineries for, produce it right here in our own country.

Today the liberal democratic senate voted down a bill to allow this country to drill for its own oil.......There is huge anger in this country about oil and these prima donnas with a huge "LIBERAL ASTERICK" tied to their name say no to "granny" in her studio walkup in New York. She will not be able to turn her heater on this winter because she cannot afford it.....Just wait until the pictures are printed of her being carried out, frozen stiff as a board.....Of course that assumes the utterly biased LIBERAL PRESS will print it....

Why don't we do something that has common sense attached to it. Like drill now, use our own oil while working towards the utopia the tree huggers (you) want......All green.....ha...I am very happy knowing I will have rotted away long before that ever happens..

Jun 10, 2008 04:22PM
Jun 11, 2008 07:32AM
Jun 11, 2008 07:50AM
Jun 12, 2008 06:00AM
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