Message: just heard ===

Re: just heard ===Doni...OT...

in response to by
posted on Sep 16, 2008 07:34AM

I have been reading your "snipets" about the state of economy, some times with a chuckle, and other times with a comment, (oh here is another "Gripe" from doni without addressing the problem heads on and commenting what needs to be done about it)...

Without "Policy" neither technology nor collective "inventive" desire can do anything meaningful in the long run.

The problem we face is massive dislocation of capital and wealth from the "people" to an unrestrained corrupt corporate culture due to rampant "Trickle down" theories of economics sucking up the wealth of the Nation into Enrons, Chevrons, etc., who have the policy makers in their pockets...

I am a beneficiary of what was wrought by the Great Genaration who fought a world war and won it; built a structure of goverment that put the Robber Barons of the time, who had caused the Great Depressionn on a leash; established Policy to shift the wealth of the Nation into creating a stable "middle class" by providing them with "Free edcucation", subsedized housing so they could have a roof on their heads, and created a "Consmer' force who became the major force in driving the economic engine.

In my life span I have seen most of the foregoing "Policies" dismanteld with the very rich getting richer, and the rest left fending for themselves.

Of course something can be done about this state of affairs. And it is not inventing a better mouse trap. We need POLICY which affirms the notion that a counrty of 10 million Billionars Like Bill Gates is not as strong a country as one of 300 million Americans who have health insurance, have a roof on their heads, can afford to raise a next generation that is able to face the problems of the future and remain actively engaged in an ever shrinking world...

I love my country. I wish before I die (which according to actuarial tables is "Soon", 8.5 years,), I can see a return to the principles of the founding fathers enshrined in our Constitution and Declaration of Independance, and you know what they are.

"Trickle down" economis which in effect has been functioning as "trickle up" economics has brought us to this point, dismantling amost all that was accomplished by the Great Generation. It is the cause of the problems you complain about. It must be replaced by POLICY that gets back to the blue print set forth in Contitution and Declaration of Indepenance if the next generation hopes to have a chance.

There, now I have vented out on this topic and I am signing off to let you do some more "thinking" on the subject....



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