Message: A quick, broad, overview of yesterday

A quick, broad, overview of yesterday

posted on Sep 18, 2008 08:58AM

Lot more people than I thought....WB was a non entity. He held up the wall, didn't say a word, had no part in the meeting and looked like he was falling asleep.

They gave FF a role in doing something which I am hard pressed to remember anything he said. It had nothing to do with the reason for the SHM. I love FF. He is my guy but he could have been playing golf for all the meaning he had to the meeting.

PN was the most elucid of the entire meeting. He gave out a lot of information which has been posted. I was surprised and happy to hear quite a bit of what he had to say. If I had just been quicker on those 10 names......damn.....

RP conducted the meeting and didn't really have a "spiel" He was the moderator and "injector of clarifying comments" during the whole event.

One thing I was surprised at and wish it had been clarified to a much larger extent was RP's and PN's acknowledgement that both of them had been to "many" and I use that word for the meaning it has, "SETTLEMENT" meetings. RP was quite clear when he said these meetings were productive and "simple"

When describing what "simple" meant he and PN said that in none of these meetings did EDig threaten, cajole, try harsh convincing of suing, but just asked the other side to record on their flash based device, then remove the flash and playback what they had just recorded.

When there was no playback, PN said he just smiled and the meeting was essentially over after informing the other side to look up EDig's patent 774

The crux of this was the revealing that both had been to "MANY' settlement meetings......That was unknown to me and to most here.

So if we are to project this knowledge into logical "surmising" right now EDig/DM is in the process of many settlements. Not something we/I was aware of.

I think that was why he was so "self assured" in his statements that that resolutions were in the works and would be known "sooner rather than later".

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