Message: I've been around a long long time...

I've been around a long long time...

posted on Oct 13, 2008 08:25AM

and I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person with common sense.....Knowing all that has transpired these past years and especially these past few weeks I cannot believe all you, "the settlement must be a low one", people.... "The settlement is just to get our toe in the water".....etc.... "There must an 8K....where is it??? Since it hasn't been filed it must be a very low settlement therefore not a "material event" so there no 8K is necessary"...


There can be any number of reasons an 8K hasn't been filed.... Some of you have suggested what they might be.....Perhaps the deal hasn't been signed sealed and delivered yet....Perhaps the payment hasn't been made yet......who knows if an 8K is even necessary on this kind of deal......It was mentioned that "P" didn't file 8K's on their settlements....I never followed "P" so I don't know but if that is the case then we may never see an 8K on EDig's settlements.

DM is representing EDig on C O N T I N G E N C Y...... How many of you are forgetting that? Just that fact alone should allay ALL DOUBTS of the case EDig has against infringers. I personally have NO DOUBTS.....

Does anyone think DM would settle its very first successful infringement action F O R A L O W F I G U R E ????

Below a million dollars has been mentioned many times....Does anyone here think DM would put the time, resources and manpower to get a measly -------0000-------return for their success. Yes I said-----00000------return. It would have to be that since the arrangement between DM and EDig is 60% EDig, 40% DM with expenses off the top......Now if this settlement was for "the naysayers one million or less that would mean DM would take it's expenses off top leaving EDig....Nada, zilch, zero, nothing. DM has certainly spent at least one million so far pursuing the infringers and that would mean EDig, instead of getting some, gelt, moola, marks, francs, reals, yen, would actually owe DM. But that would also mean DM would get nothing also....If all the enormous settlement of $1,000,000 went to expenses then DM's 40% would also be the entire ENORMOUS SUM OF ONE MILLION would go to expense and if it did not due to an arrangement betwenn DM and EDig then EDig WOULD WIND UP OWING DM on this settlement.

RP stated this settlement was with "a major electronics manufacturer" As some of you naysayers have stated.... "Oh this is just to get our foot in the door, to establish a precedant, naseum....

Would DM/EDig settle with a "MAJOR PLAYER IN THE FIELD" for a paultry $1,000,000???? I am sure RP, WB and FF would look at that kind of a deal where EDig received NOTHING as an absolute no way.....

I also DO NOT THINk DM, being who they are, would put all this work into settling for next to nothing....DM took EDig on, on contingency. This to me means THEY EXPECT VERY, VERY, VERY BIG RETURNS FOR THEIR EFFORTS. Would you expect DM to settle it's first case for less than $1,000,000????

I can just see DM's boardroom meeting right now......Great, Great, we have settled for one million, now on to the the second settlement....Who is that going to be???? Oh yeah, Samsung, Gee based on our first settlement of One Million we can most likely get, WOW, AT LEAST TWO MILLION FROM THEM......That's most likely all we can get since Samsung is going to base what they will pay on what the first Major Electronics Manufacturer paid..... Yeah, Yeah,,,,we are in the money now.....All those expenses off the top, not only will we get that from the settlement but EDig will owe us also since the expenses will be more than the settlement......


You lowball naysayers really have this one down pat....

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