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Oct 14, 2008 09:01AM

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Oct 14, 2008 03:51PM


posted on Oct 14, 2008 04:00PM


In-flight device maker sues everyoneseeking flash memory bonanza

LG, Casio, Nikon, Samsung and Sanyo whacked

By Austin ModineGet more from this author

Posted in Law, 27th June 2008 00:05 GMT

Comments on: In-flight device maker sues everyone seeking flash memory bonanza

With the money their opponants have...

By Wokstation Posted Friday 27th June 2008 00:35 GMT

...looks like this will be a FlashR in the pan to me.

Screw them

By Stan Posted Friday 27th June 2008 00:44 GMT

F***ing trolls, they can't make anything worth buying so they wave around a few ideas that have been around since at least the late 70's and claim everyone owes them money. Sooner they go to the wall the better, the only negative is they are going to make some lawyers fatter doing it. When are the states going to pull their head out of their arse and sort out their f***ed up patent system?

None are valid...

By Tim Bates Posted Friday 27th June 2008 05:12 GMT

I'm no lawyer but from what I can see all those patents are null and void.

US5491774 - Logical step from tiny "spy" tape recorders.

Obvious logical steps are not patentable.

US5742737 - Hopelessly pathetic non-patent. They are trying to patent a switch that enables recording and the concept of caching.

US5787445 - Irrelevent and should actually be Copyright, not patented.

Software patents legality is grey at best.

US5839108 - Pointless as it's just defining a filesystem which means either they are trying to patent FAT or they invented their own and no one uses it.

Those guys again.

By Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 30th June 2008 16:36 GMT

I used to work for e.Digital. (Hence the AC posting) Got laid off in Jan. '02 after Apple demolished their MP3 player business with the iPod. I was wondering what they've been up to lately. It was a small company when I worked there, the engineering team was all of about 8 guys. Most of them had become rich exercising their stock options the year before I started there, paying pennies for stock worth much more than that. Of course, my options were always upside down since they could never break into NASDAQ like they promised me they were on the verge of when I turned down an offer from SAIC to work for them. The year or so that worked for them, I watched a company that didn't really know what they wanted to do, a head of engineering that was either not to be trusted or completely incompetent (not sure which), and a CEO that was trying to take control of a chaotic house. Now they join the ranks of the patent trolls. I hope they get destroyed!

Oct 14, 2008 04:42PM
Oct 14, 2008 04:58PM
Oct 14, 2008 07:55PM
Oct 15, 2008 04:12AM
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