Message: Hold on

Here's why it is not safe to eat other peoples food...

When I was in 8th grade, a bully type of guy was stealing my sack lunch from my locker 2-3 times a week for about a month. The lockers had no locks by school policy way back then.

Being Italian and hearing over and over, "DON'T GET MAD GET EVEN" from my parents and grand parents, I went to a drug store, bought the largest box of Exlax they had, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with this huge piece of "chocolate" for extra "flavor" and made sure this guy saw me put the sack in my locker. Then I said to a buddy standing next to me, which was staged, "Mike, I can't wait for lunch time today. I made this really great sandwhich and it will be sooo good!"

The plan worked, the bully did his thing, and he missed the next 3 days of school. LOL!!!

When he returned and confronted me about poisoning the food, I said, "don't mess with an Italian and don't ever steal my lunch again. He happily complied with my request.


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