Message: Consider this

Re: Consider this/Daboss

in response to by
posted on Oct 24, 2008 07:26AM

Makes sense, I have had the same thoughts. I have asked RP at least 3 times, face to face, that same question.

His answer has been the same, which I have posted here....

EDig has a "poison pill" to circumvent that scenario.....I do not know what it is but RP seems quite confident that it would disway any unfriendly take over.

And it would be unfriendly because RP has also stated many times in the same conversations that EDig is not for sale, will not be for sale, and will not entertain any offers to buy.

In my personal conversations with him his tone and attitude has ALWAYS BEEN talking about EDig "taking the long view". He anticipates no take over and sees EDig successful "over the long haul"

He has stated to me many times, "Frank we have had many ups and downs and we survived, Frank we will always survive". (as close to his exact words as I can remember)

Of course anything can happen. In your scenario perhaps Apple sees EDig's IP being VERY valuable and makes an unfriendly offer of $10.00 a share.

To long suffering EDiggers that would be very tempting.

Depending on EDig's circumstances at the moment I would be very tempted. However if the future looked as bright at that point as it does now I don't think I would be THAT tempted.

If Apple were to offer $10.00 they would have to have come to the conclusion it was much more valuable than that. I think I would stick around just to see what they saw.

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