Message: At least we are not GM

Re: At least we are not GM

posted on Nov 10, 2008 12:47PM

GM tested a 30 year low and that tells you the confidence the Americans have in their GM Icon.

But if you look at Edig their 10 years Low was 6.25 cents back in 1998 and or 1999 and now it is hovering around .14 cents and if that does not tell you anything it does tell me the confidence that people have have in Edig and especillay in this unstable economy.

To me Edig is as good as gold if not better and I am betting on it and on its success.

Next MOnday either we will test a new hi's or Low's depending on the 10Q filing. If income is booked we will see new Hi's and if income will be booked in the 3rd qtr then we might see new low's due to some peoples dissapointments. But in the long run we are all here winners.


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