Message: DID I MISS IT ????????????

No disrespect intended SIR, but have your posts EVER effected the PPS?

I seriously appreciate your positive slant and posts, your loyatly here and there may have helped at times, but they are not working now.

Again, no negative thoughts intended, but the "market" will reward us when the time is right, but NOT from Agorafolks no matter who they are.

As settlements are closed, as money comes in, once EDIG management using these funds to grow the company in "new" areas thru the cross licensing agreements etc, we will not achieve our ultimate goals.

I do not disagree with you or anyone that we are on the right path, but this board will NEVER IMHO cause the PPS to rise.

Facts are facts, show the market the facts, and we will be on our way.

Silversurfer posts FACTS, and you contribute much info that is respected by all, but speculation and "hype" for lack of a better word, does nothing in the market.

Go ahead and "bash" me if that "feels good" but we are still at 14 cents so explain that?????

One more time dog gone it...this is NOT a negative post, explain your self with FACTS.

PS, I am NOT LL's Brother or even a Cousin...LOL!!

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