Message: Thanks for the support. OT

Thanks for the support. OT

posted on Nov 29, 2008 08:21AM

Several people asked to see images of some of the work I've been involved with. The current Avatar is a picture of the front doors of the Gorham Town Hall project. They were salvaged from a court house in Maine where they were once interior stand alone doors. At the direction of one of their selectmen, I matched, rebuilt, and installed them to begin what turned out to be a rather massive 3 year ongoing complete restoration of their Town Hall. I Have been working with a friend who is the construction superintendent and has managed to completely renovate (to date) much of the apx 100' x 100' 4 story brick building. He has had to work with a crew of inmates that have provided most of the grunt and some of the skilled labor. This is why the project has lasted 3 years and is still ongoing. I am one of the few craftspeople / tradesmen that have been with the project throughout. Working with the inmates has been an incredible experience. Some are there because they truely belong there, and some are there because they made a boneheaded mistake that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Working with them has been an illuminating experience.

I will try and periodically update my avatar and provide a little background on the image. I don't have a website but have been encouraged to construct one which is on my to do list.

BTW I have a call into Robert and hope to connect with him sometime in the next week or 2.


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