Message: LTL2

To this point I have never had a problem with the financials and how e.Digital derived revenue, because, the business never made anything substantial and I understood that. It's a struggling venture looking for the right recipe to compete, and I vaguely reviewed the financials..

My focus was the tech only, for that, I have never had a need to call RP or anyone there with questions about it.

That focus, for the most part, is over. Now I turn to the financials to see how things are to be structured going forward around the tech.

I'm some what disappointed, hoping that we do not have all the facts with regard to X-licensing details and there is something to RPs statements of tier 1 / tier 2 leveraging of the tech.

Some where I read that when, or, if we use the LG tech we pay, it was not a free consideration, however, I'm unable to locate where I read it. From reading that condition to LG, I figured the X-license to be reciprocal. I know I friggin read the LG condition somewhere before the financials came out.


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