Message: Re: AGORA - Very Nicely Done..., BUT?...OT..and generally useful suggestions...

Dec 05, 2008 01:52AM

Re: AGORA - Very Nicely Done..., BUT?...OT..and generally useful suggestions...

posted on Dec 05, 2008 08:08AM

I find it quite confusing...


The limiting of the 10 posts per screen at a time is quite distracting. It doe not give one a perspective of what post started a thread. There is often 20-30 posts on a thread. And in the "Old" screen you could see who started a discussion and read it first, before wading through a line of posts that might not be addressing the original posters concepts discussed.


If you have clicked "The next 10 posts" and you are at number 26, and if you open it and read it, when you click return button to close that post you are back at FIRST 10 posts screen, and you have to work your way back to # 27. In the old screen you would return to post number 26 and continue from there.


I can see some merit in some demarcation like by date useful. However, breaking the posts by what time they were posted is distracting. From a reader's perspective ir makes no difference if he was posting at mid night or 2 in the afternoon, unless we are trying to measure the traffis on the band width?...


Unless Agora is offering a Prize, (like a free trip to Hawaii), to the most consistently "popular posts", the focus on a spearate screen in this catagory further distracts from following a thread as discussed above. It is a given that Silversurfer (as indicated in the current "Most popular posts screen) is and shall remain popular in that he has assumed the responsibility of supplying the boar with PACER information. Why not just give him the free trip to Hawaii and be done with the "Most poular Post Screen"...Lol...Lol...

In short, I like the new improvements made by Agora. Yet I yearn for the older and "Larger single screen", with posts perhaps demarked daily, and no "most poular window".


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