Message: User's post history

Longtimelurker2, responding to my post of Dec. 6 @ 12.11 said the following:...

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Your post last night in response to mine about ENE must have caused you embarassment today when you realized that you were actually the one who had the facts mixed up. My suspicion is that you wrote your post with alcohol in your system.

To be honest, a lot of your posts appear to have been written while intoxicated. I say that as one who has posted when drinking (or drunk to be more accurate). In fact, the first indication I had that I might have a serious problem with drinking was years ago when I read RB posts under my ID that I didn't remember writing. The posts were filled with misspellings that weren't mere typos and that I would not have made if sober. My solution was to stop posting.

It took me a long time to realize that my drinking was ruining my life and even longer to do something about it. But I finally did take action and have found help in the fellowship of AA just in the last few months.

If this message is at all welcome, I wanted to give you the URL to your local AA chapter. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking and anonymity is protected. If you check around, you would probably be able to find groups that other attorneys attend.


I do not know this person. Nor do I wish to engage him/her in any discouse.

I am airing this publicly and ask that you institute the same controls in the "Private Message" part of this forum as you have here...

No one should be permitted to engage in name calling or character assasination, explicitly or by innuendo on your forums...

In short the private message forum should not become a medium for parties to get away with violating the rules of AGORA which you have operating here...

Thanks for your taking appropriate action...


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