Message: PACER digEcor

I agree Silver. After reading the posts from the past couple of days, I came to the conclusion that the withdrawal of eDigitals counterclaims was a Qid pro quo for Digecor's request to withdraw their quash of eDigital supoenas and depositions. That move was made prior to the settlement conference and didn't make a whole lot of sense at the time other than to soften the ground going into the conference. This Pacer filing by eDigital seems to be a result of the conference and may very well be one of the house cleaning measures that Minister suggests. Reading Smans post about rule 4 governing mediation suggest that this is a necessary purcursor to settlement. It doesn't necessarily mandate that this process will yeild a settlement but I doubt a settlement could be reached without the house cleaning that appears to be happening. As most here know I am and have been optimistic about this investment. Given whats transpired in the past several days I would be surprised if this doesn't resolve itself in settlement.


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