Message: Re: 3rd Settlement - NIKON !!!
Dec 17, 2008 09:47AM


I wonder if most of major well known corporation rolling in for settlement with e.DIGITAL ,there will be a good possibility the remaining of infringers one after the other follow the same and no need for MARKMAN HEARING.

ITS nice to read again this paragraph from Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

As part of the study, which is the biggest of its kind to date,

Generally, defendants were "wrong to go to trial" less often than plaintiffs - for defendants, the choice to litigate was wrong in 24 percent of cases, while plaintiffs were wrong in 61 percent of cases. In just 15 percent of cases, both sides were right to go to trial.

However, while defendants were wrong less often, the price for being wrong was substantially greater - getting it wrong cost plaintiffs about $43,000. For defendants, the cost was $1.1 million.

[M]ost of the plaintiffs who decided to pass up a settlement offer and went to trial ended up getting less money than if they had taken that offer. “The lesson for plaintiffs is, in the vast majority of cases, they are perceiving the defendant’s offer to be half a loaf when in fact it is an entire loaf or more,” said Randall L. Kiser, a co-author of the study and principal analyst at DecisionSet, a consulting firm that advises clients on litigation decisions.

Dec 18, 2008 09:06AM

Dec 19, 2008 01:56PM
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