Message: Scottrade - Question...

Re: "My intent here is not to create discord." -.... LL....DON...

posted on Dec 24, 2008 07:57PM

You posed the following questions...

1) "EDIG has gone through several near death experiences as management has admitted to. The company has a chance to use its windfall profits to grow its manufacturing and distrubution base, a last chance."

2) "So the question is am I wrong, and why."...


2) Yes you are wrong, and you know you are wrong, and still persist in insulting the intelligence of this group with your gibberish reminder about the company having had "...several near death experiences"...

You, more than anyone else, should know that the company "Business Plan" has always been to market its techniology to OEM's who would do the the product "Manufacturing and distribution"...

If fact one of the "several near death experiences" you allude to is when the company deviated from its business paln and almost ended up in the bankruptcy court...

Now, this company is doing what they set out to do. They are cashing out on their technology, and they have said they plan to extend their eVU platform into other areas such as medical and other arenas...

It is a shame that the last 10 years evolved as it did. In essence EDIG was forced to share 50% of its revenue from its technology with LAWYERS...

DM seems to be on track and deserve what they earn. That is where EDIG case is at the moment and everyone is happy with the way it is going...

So, if you want to stay here, cut out the "History lessons" about EDIG's life, and try to focus on the future and events as they unfold...

This is going to be my last post on this matter also. I stuck my neck out this morning with this group because (1) It was Christmas eve and you needed to be here. (2) I believe if anything comes close to absolute is the FIRST AMENDMENT, and (3) In the final analysis it is your refusal to play by the rules of the sand box that will have you kicked off again...

You can't go in a sandbox and start insulting everyone's intelligence hogging the board with irrelevancies, (at least that is what they are considered by most everyone here who has been through it for the past 10 years), about what happened in 2001 2002?!...



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