Message: Based on the first 8 lawsuits filed

Re: Based on the first 8 lawsuits filed / LL or Gil?

posted on Dec 22, 2008 12:53PM

How many suits could DM reasonably have in the air at one time? Do they have the option to file the suits at one time and then stagger the process timeline or does Judge Ward call all of those shots -- assuming we file all in the Easten District of TX since he will have had experience identifing EDIG's tech?

If not, it would seem to be to the mean ole copy cats advantage to group up and hope it runs DM thin in spots should they have too many balls in the air. I'm sure they are used to being as busy as a one legged man in an arse kickin' contest, but they probably have some limits to their resources. My guess is they actually have a paying client or two that also needs attention.

As for Sony and Nokie, my WAG is we would see a filing first. They have a lot of irons to throw in that fire. Ramping up the settlements might be part of DM's overall strategy since that seems to be what RP was telling Frank, if I understood correctly. I'm not the least bit unhappy with several $2M to $4M license deals as the first or second one will put EDIG in those uncharted waters flowing with black ink. IMO, a major hurdle we will see in 2009 as long as my rose colored glassed don't fog up -- or get smeared with Wencor BS.

Black ink + ending the Wencor mess in early 2009 would certainly put EDIG into a much different business model. IMO, that biz model can affect the pps in a material way. No, not $5 a share, but a heck of a lot better than today. Of course, all in my big dumb guy from Tennessee opine.

Maybe, just maybe, RP or Willy will give us a hint or two in a year end biz update. I'm guessing, based on some previous years activity, we get something early next week.


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