Message: HUSH .....A SILENT NIGHT calm ....all is EDIGITAL


Great postard and quite fitting to the "moment"...

As I looked at the screen this morning, all I heard was screeming and shouts. I wanted to say something fitting the subject, but I could not without getting personal...So I did not... Your postcard helped me a great deal by reflecting on the inner quiet and peace...

I re-read Don's posts and found nothing in them that violated the AGORA rules on posting thus far. To be sure, they were replete with truncated splicing of PRS followed by his "Perception" of what they meant, and his commentary that this was no more than same old, same old...

Sunpoop's post proposing re-admittance of Don to this board, which was enthusiatically supported, proposed the following terms for the re-admittance:...

"He is not a Sunpoop or a Daboss, more like a LL and while LL and I have our disagreements they are all about attitude NOT what he says. I have said to him more than once, sooner or later he will have to find "SOMETHING" positive in EDigland.

Look at it this way, if he displeases you still you can always have him removed again...

The word "displease you" in Sunpoop's post is very telling. Indeed, Don has managed to do just that in the past few days, as reflected by the amount of posts decrying his style, and his disrputive commentary about EDIG...

Therefore, we come down to the question to be faced by AGORA and this group:

Are the RULES being amended in a de facto manner that anyone who "displeases" shall also be banned from posting?...

This writer does not support such an amendment...


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