Message: Are all you nut burgers out there focusing on lawsuits and settlements?


Some of us have been here soooo long we will sell at $.25 Cents to get the heck ou of this "nutburger" house ...

Say, What in tarnation is a "Nutburger" anyway?...Lol...Lol...

Any way; this is all in good humer, passing the time till we get a PR or two...

Just remember this; at $24.5 EDIG had far less shares than now, and it hit 8 Billion+...All on sheer HYPE based on expectations...

There was justifications for it. We had INTEL VPS on the Board; we had the puck making Larry King Live; and it was the peek of the crazyness in the Silicon Valley...

Now, we have VALIDATION; We have "Settlements"; and we have DM working with laser like effeciency in generating cash for the bottom line...

If the tech is as good as our resident "expert" has patiently pointed it out to us technologically challanged ones, there is no reason we will not see $10. or $20 in time. But, I am realist enough to say that may not happen in my life time...

So, my friend, calm down, stay healthy and keep taking some from the top to give the chance to smell the roses, and see the sunset, (look at the picture I posted), AND TAKE EVERYTHING SAID HERE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT...

Best to you and your family...


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