Message: When will we hear about this one?

You asked

"What's wrong with a cash cow over 10 years"?...

Who wants to stick arroubd while a "Cash Cow" is milked for the next 10 years...

I can see "Motivation" in seeing one's expectation come to fruition...

But, spending your time, another 10 years of it, waiting for the last drop of milk from the udder of the "Cash Cow" IS BORING AT BEST...

What DICKPICK is saying, (with which I agree), EDIG and its PPS shall hit its stride sometime in the next 2 years because, as you know, that is the time frame for getting the issues in front of ROCKET DOCKET resolved...

10 years ago we could reasonably speculate that EDIG was going to be the next QUALCOM of the digital era. Today, with the ever increasing acceleration of the rate of change in the Technology arena, who knows what shall be dominant in 10 years from now...

Heck we may have sentient robtics, and cellular oraing based computing evolved to a point in 10 years which renders EDIG obsolete...

Think about them apples, and quit talking about 10 years hence...Lol...Lol...


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