Message: Wikipedia - Already has all 6 settlements posted on it...


I was just there looking around in wikipedia, as the amount of information is significant and I had never noticed a post here re: Wiki. Saw your agora post referenced on Google. Damn the internet is so cool! Whoever is responsible for updating this site has done a good job, but the financials need updating now that we have crossed the profitable threshold.

Profitable company in these times with a relatively solid floor with regard to PPS is a good message to get out. Lots of people here in Memphis touched by the Stanford Financial downfall. They were promising investing results that were too good to be true....and in the end the SEC has agreed. People looking for a place to park some cash.

I was talking with a friend last night who I have played golf with for 5+ years. Never talk investments....but somehow brought up how I was "insanely" invested in a OTC stock that has managed to buoy my entire portfolio. He says "It's not e. Digital is it? He started a small position about 1 yr ago and doesn't follow along.

I told him to buy more.....much more. As others have commented. New money is the key.


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