Message: Re: elephants don't climb trees, so if you see one ...Mister LawyerLong...
Feb 13, 2009 09:49AM
Feb 13, 2009 10:14AM
Feb 13, 2009 10:42AM

Re: elephants don't climb trees, so if you see one ...Mister LawyerLong...

posted on Feb 14, 2009 08:37AM

Your penchent for twisting facts and your drive to "control" this puny corner of the universe are incomrehensible to me...Why do your persist in creating non-edig related discourse that is aimed at stife, and tearing down of this Board?. I sincerely urge you to stop...

You say in your post:...

"Then Gil accuses me of redacting (I think he meant deleting, not redacting) a series of posts - still don't understand that one as I have never deleted, much less redacted, any posts, including my own."...

My statement read as follows"

"After reading the challange to Sunpoop I went back and looked the entire month of December of 2004 posts. All post by LL were redateced with red marks in front of them. Now I do not know if he did it himself or had [by]one of his friends. But, I know this, that when the posts were posted in December of 2004 or thereafter they were no originally redacted [deleted]."

Clearly, there is no accusation in my statement that you personally redacted, [deleted], all your posts...

Furthermore, it is clear from communication I have received in response to my post from AGORA that you had asked Agora to delete all your posts and "foot print" so as you would be able to CALL people liers, as your posts get deleted and no one can find out in the future if you had another relapse and made similar accusations.

Fortunately Agora has promised to stop deleting your posts. And I am sure you have their notice that no more similar behavior shall be tolerated...

Good Luck to you...


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