As I said, need to change the subject.
Based on what we know from Pacer, as provided by 3 or more very good contributors here, to include statements by Robert, Fred and Alan beginning late last year to the present, we will have some exciting times ahead.
In just 2 weeks, the PPS base went from .10 to .17. Some may not think that's such a big deal, but what about someone who was new to the "game" and bought 100K @ .10 and in 2 weeks increased his pot by $700?
What about someone who has 500K and watched $35,000 be added to his account? What about someone who has a pot full of shares and his average is below 25 cents? It's all relative huh?
We all know what events are coming or expected, so repeating it is not necessary, so that's where my focus will be going forward.
We have much to be happy and proud of!!
Come on Tues...HAAAAA.