Message: PACER digEcor - Rulings on Partial Summary Judgments

Re: Did not have the expertise to understand - Gil

posted on Mar 15, 2009 11:23AM

I thought of that last night; how ronran got so lengthy/boaring in his legel-ease it put most to sleep and only served to confuse most on vague legal points that were IMO no more accurate than some others thoughts, and in the end, did noting for inductive DD and was after all the banter did nothing to affect companies efforts.

As for your cohorts here you mentioned - well, what did they do but support your glass-half-empty mentality. IMVHO

Can't understand why you said the things I quoted from your post the last few days and just couldn't rejoyce n be exceedingly glad with us.

I'd lay ods that my PMs in support equally yours in professional-frustration.


God Bless n good luck


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