Message: I haven't seen any..

Re: I haven't seen any..SP

posted on Mar 14, 2009 07:36PM

You're right, LL. You always left yourself plenty of "outs" in your posts. I guess that's the lawyer in you.

I doubt very much if many people on this board disagree with the substance of your messages. That's not the issue. It's your style that turns many people off. Stop being the lecturer. Forget about being an attorney. You don't have to parse what appears to be great news. This isn't your's a community of people with both a financial and emotional investment in this company. Can't you understand, they don't like to hear from the dark side.....especially when things are going right?

For goodness about cheering with the rest of us? If our expections are be it. We at least had one great day in the sun.

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