Message: Reality Check

Reality Check

posted on Mar 25, 2009 01:21PM

We have no control over what the company does, when it does it, or how it choose’s to share information. That was true ten years ago and still is. Buying their stock doesn’t give us any rights in any practical sense. One can argue all day about what ‘should’ be but it won’t change how things are. Anyone claiming to have sold a bunch of shares at a high price years ago has much less reason to question or complain about how EDIG runs its business than those of us who remain engaged and interested in the company’s future success, but who didn’t (for whatever reason) profit years ago. But regardless of that, it doesn’t matter anyway what one thinks about how the company operates, whether Fred is good or bad for the company, or whether RP is truthful or not... beyond your own decision to buy, sell, or hold.

Most on this board share a mostly positive outlook else we wouldn’t be here. The negatives are well understood: the share price is .16, we don’t know exactly what’s going on at all times, and we don’t know the future for a certainty. Yeah we all get it - it’s called risk. Most have been in this stock for ten years and more. We understand what ‘long-term’ means. All we can really do is judge where the company is today compared to where it’s been.

So much has happened in the last month, 3 months, 1 year - that I think many have lost perspective when compared to the previous 8 years. They’ve only JUST RECENTLY deposited real dollars into the bank such that they felt comfortable paying off high-interest debt 1 and 3 months early... while knowing that they still need to make payroll and also have money to capitalize future orders/partnerships over the coming several months. I say we can give them the benefit of the doubt for now. Sales agreements still take a little time to work out and they’ll tell us what’s going on eVU-wise when there’s something to tell.

Oh and I’m quite pleased that the digEcor trial may still be held 5/4/09 without further delay. Really, all things considered, things are proceeding extremely well for a company that was so down (and almost out) for so long.

I personally think that we’ll get some kind of update later this month or early next including a rough estimate of earnings for this quarter even though it won’t ‘officially’ be reported until June. In any case I think they’ll likely report somewhat early... like mid-June as opposed to June 30.

DM will file against more infringers when they’re good and ready and it’s best for us if they are fully prepared. At some point, some piece of news or some event will become ‘the tipping point’ for us and the company in regards to the share price. What that is or when it will occur is not in anyone’s control, but I am convinced that it WILL happen... hopefully this year and perhaps next. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter.

But I do agree with everyone who says with respect to DM’s efforts that we should "Go Big or Go Home!"

- Sinkman

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